Full assessment with SoftskillLab and ExaminLab
Reference products | SoftskillLab, ExaminLab |
Release month | February 2021 |

1. Why you should recruiters use assessment tests?
The main goal of every company or staffing agency is to recruit the most suitable talent for a job vacancy, the perfect fit for the role should have the professional and technical knowledge required by the position, but also the right soft skills: personal traits and aptitude skills that every person should have to fit a certain a position and cover a specific role.
To achieve this goal, it is useful to get a little help from assessment tests.
2. When it is useful to request a test on soft and hard skills?
- For selection purposes: to conduct an initial selection of candidates or to obtain a detailed analysis of specific skills at the final stage of the evaluation process.
- For evaluation of the potential: when you have to deal with a junior position or with employees who struggle to express themselves at their best, assessment tests can be helpful to understand which unexpressed potential and hidden abilities can be further developed.
- For career guidance: when dealing with a selection or orientation process, in order to make the right decision, it is a strategic choice to analyze candidates’ or employees’ skills. Assessment tests are the perfect tools to distinguish the skills that are already a strength from those that should be strengthened.
- To understand the status quo: in case you need to carry out a pre-analysis to understand which skills it is worth working on before starting a professional training.
- For skills mapping: you have at your disposal a full set of assessment tools that can be used to identify and evaluate candidates’ and employees’ skills.
- For organizational purposes: when you need to understand how an employee could react to a certain situation or when you need to know how employees could express themselves at their best in a certain role or in a certain team/context. These assessment tests can help recruiters to determine which new tasks or roles they can assign to staff members.
3. What are SoftskillLab and ExaminLab?
- SoftSkillLab, designed by Arca24 and developed with the Catholic University of Milan, is an online platform providing psychological tests to evaluate candidates’ and employees’ soft skills, such as memory, emotional intelligence, personal traits and cognitive skills, among many others.
- ExaminLab is the online platform Arca24 has designed for the evaluation of hard skills, such as language skills and specialized professional skills. These adaptive tests are specifically designed to adjust the level of difficulty based on the candidate’s skills, while keeping a high level of engagement. This library includes tests on excel, European and non-European languages. Two new test offers: Microsoft Excel test for interview and English Listening test.
4. How can I use them?
- SoftskillLab and ExaminLab can be used as independent online platforms: you can register your company profile and buy a pack of credits or a flat subscription, depending on your needs;
- They can be connected to your business applications thanks to API (for ex., ATS, employee management software programmes, etc.);
- They are integrated in Arca24 software programmes: Ngage, our ATS & CRM for staffing agencies, and Talentum, our onboarding software for employee management.
5. How can I create a full assessment with SoftskillLab and ExaminLab?
Thanks to SoftskillLab and ExaminLab recruiters can create customized assessment sessions based on the skills required for a certain position.
Our system is able to send different tests in a single email to each candidate at the same time.
In the second step, in fact, recruiters can select multiple tests. Once the tests are completed, recruiters have a clear and exhaustive overview on the evaluated person.

Arca24 is an HR Tech Factory specialised in the development of cloud software for the human resources sector.
Reference products

oftskillLab – Online psychological testing platform
SoftskillLab is an online psychological testing platform that allows you to make an effective assessment of candidates and employees.

ExaminLab – Hard skills testing platform
ExaminLab is an online adaptive testing platform (based on “CAT” technology: Computerised Adaptive Tests) for the assessment of technical and language skills.

CVideo – On-demand video interviews
CVideo is a web-based platform for deferred video interviews, which enables a digital selection of candidates.