Global Staffing Front Office Software Landscape Report 2023 Update
Corporate News | 12/17/2023
A total of 38 vendors provided sufficient survey data to qualify for inclusion in the main and detailed parts of this report. One is Arca24 with Ngage.

The report gives an overview of the global market for front office technology used by staffing firms.
It is derived from a detailed survey covering the functionality of front office vendor products, and includes information on key integration partners, security and data standards, system architecture, pricing, as well as an outline of their product roadmap and innovation
In 2023, a total of 38 vendors provided sufficient survey data to qualify for inclusion in the main and detailed parts of this report, though high-level overviews are provided on more than 106 vendors located in all the major staffing markets.
To read more about the report, visit the Staffing Industry Analysts portal.
Arca24 is an HR Tech Factory specialised in the development of cloud software for the human resources sector.
Reference product

Ngage – Staffing Agency Software
Ngage (ATS+CRM) is a solution developed to support staffing and employment agencies throughout the entire production cycle. It optimizes and digitalize the processes of talent acquisition, customer relationship and administrative management.

Talentum – Talent Management Software
Talentum is a complete and intuitive end-to-end solution that allows the HR department to acquire, manage and optimise the workforce throughout the employee’s life cycle (from search and selection activities to the onboarding of selected candidates).